Tech Standards

The District Educational Technology Committee recommended adopting the six National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S) along with the Performance Indicators.  The committee aligned these standards to the State of Alaska Technology Content Standards and developed Grade Level Expectations for students in grades K-12 that address each of the standards and performance indicators.  These standards and grade level expectations will be addressed in future curriculum revisions.
The committee also developed a KPBSD Skills Continuum for students in grades K-8 which incorporated input from district teachers and was aligned to the recommended standards and gle’s.  Teachers may choose to use this document to guide them as they integrate technology into the curriculum.
In addition, an Integration Configuration Map (IC Map), similar to a rubric, was developed by District Technology Coaches for standard two from the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) .  Teachers may choose to use this as a reflection tool to assess their integration of technology into the curriculum and to assist with determining areas of support they may need.
All documents are below.

KPBSD Tech Standards/GLE’s/Skill Continuum

KPBSD Technology Skills Continuum 2012.pdf

KPBSD Tech Standards, Perfomance Indicators, GLE’s 2012.pdf


NETS for Administrators 2009.pdf

NETS for Teachers 2008.pdf

NETS for Students 2016.pdf

Teacher Reflection Tools

NETS-T 2 ICMap.pdf