Author Archives: Karla Barkman
SMART Response VE
Did you know that SMART Response can be used with any device that can access the internet? Yes, that includes phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers. You no longer need the “clickers” to use SMART technologies for student response. Watch this short video to learn how you can set it up. Call or email me […]
Live Homework Help
Have you heard of Live Homework Help? Do you encourage your students to use it? If yes, awesome, then keep using it and tell other teachers about it. If you have never heard of it, you should know that all Alaskans have access to this awesome resource. It is available through SLED – Statewide Library […]
New Releases from World Book Online
World Book Online has recently released new versions of World Book Kids, World Book Student and World Book Advanced. The newly released versions of these resources include an updated interface. Most articles include a vibrant “splash” image and tabs to help users navigate through information. World Book updates and adds images, photos, videos and articles […]
Spotlight On Strategies (SOS)
One of the recent Discovery Education resources I’ve learned about is the S.O.S series. This resource includes around 100 different strategies designed to effectively engage students when integrating digital content in the classroom. These strategies are not designed with any Web 2.0 focus in mind nor do they take a lot of time to apply. They are simple strategies […]
Middlebury Support